Function Reference


Calls a user-defined function contained in a string parameter.

Call ( "function" [, param1 [, param2 [, paramN ]]] )



function The name of the user function to call.
param Arguments that will be passed to the function being invoked.


Return Value

Success: Returns the return value of the called function.
Failure: Sets @error to 1 if the function does not exist.



The function cannot be a built-in AutoIt function or plug-in function.
The function can pass arguments to functions, however, ByRef parameters are not supported; there is no way to retrieve the ByRef parameter.
A special array can be passed in lieu of individual parameters. This array must have it's first element set to "CallArgArray" and elements 1 - n will be passed as seperate arguments to the function. If using this special array, no other arguments can be passed to Call(). See example for a demonstration.






; This calls a function accepting no arguments.

; This calls a function accepting one argument and passes it an argument.
Call("Test2", "Message from Call()!")

; This demonstrates how to use the special array argument.
Global $aArgs[4]
$aArgs[0] = "CallArgArray" ; This is required, otherwise, Call() will not recognize the array as containing arguments
$aArgs[1] = "This is a string"  ; Parameter one is a string
$aArgs[2] = 47  ; Parameter two is a number
Global $array[2]
$array[0] = "Array Element 0"
$array[1] = "Array Element 1"
$aArgs[3] = $array  ; Parameter three is an array

; We've built the special array, now call the function
Call("Test3", $aArgs)

Func Test1()
    MsgBox(4096, "", "Hello")

Func Test2($sMsg)
    MsgBox(4096, "", $sMsg)

Func Test3($sString, $nNumber, $aArray)
    MsgBox(4096, "", "The string is: " & @CRLF & $sString)
    MsgBox(4096, "", "The number is: "& @CRLF & $nNumber)
    For $i = 0 To UBound($aArray) - 1
        MsgBox(4096, "", "Array[" & $i & "] contains:" & @CRLF & $aArray[$i])